Where's my phone
Where's my phone


Access a seven-day log of FamilyWhere location history.Get text or email notifications generated by scheduled automatic location alerts.Let family members check in with you through text message or see where they are on a map in real-time.For other devices, you can manage FamilyWhere by logging in to your T-Mobile account​, then selecting My Account > Profile > Family Controls > FamilyWhere. The FamilyWhere app is available for Android only.FamilyWhere uses geolocation data from the T-Mobile network and is not affected by changes to device location settings.All phones that can be located by FamilyWhere receive a notification when they are added to the service and a recurring notification as a reminder that they are still a part of the service.After the trial ends, there's a monthly subscription for $10 that appears on your bill. The FamilyWhere service includes a 30-day free trial for new users.Android 10 location accuracy improvement: setting change.

Where's my phone